Implementation of Passive Cooling Solutions in Cambodia

Implementation of Passive Cooling Solutions in Cambodia

IMPLEMENTATION OF PASSIVE COOLING SOLUTIONS IN CAMBODIA Location: Cambodia Client :  United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP);   September 2022 onwards Project Contributors: Support the UN ESCAP, UNEP and Cool Coalition team in the analysis of UHI Impacts at a township level, parametric cooling and energy simulation for testing…

Chapter on Sustainable Cooling for All in Global Status Report 2021

Chapter on Sustainable Cooling for All in Global Status Report 2021

CHAPTER ON SUSTAINABLE COOLING FOR ALL IN GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 2021 Location: India Client :  UNEP;   September 2021 to November 2021 Project Contributors: The GlobalABC’s “Global Status Report 2021 for Building and Construction” featured a spotlight chapter on “Sustainable Cooling for All.” This project involved conducting research and analysis to provide insights into sustainable cooling…

Technical Development of Climate Smart City AssessmentFramework (CSCAF 2.0)

Technical Development of Climate Smart City AssessmentFramework (CSCAF 2.0)

TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT of CLIMATE SMART CITY ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK (CSCAF 2.0) Location: India Client :  National Institute of Urban Affairs;   April 2021 June 2021 Project Contributors: The NIUA spearheaded the development of the CSCAF 2.0 to evaluate the climate resilience of 100 Smart cities across India. As part of this initiative, technical expertise was provided to…

Updated guidelines and best practices for MSMEs in delivering energy efficient products and renewable energy equipment

Updated guidelines and best practices for MSMEs in delivering energy efficient products and renewable energy equipment

UPDATED GUIDELINES AND BEST PRACTICES FOR MSMES IN DELIVERING ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCTS AND RENEWABLE ENERGY EQUIPMENT Location: India Client :  United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE);   April 2021 to August 2021  Project Contributors: IDS collaborated with UNECE to develop guidelines for MSMEs on delivering energy- efficient products and renewable energy equipment during the COVID-19…

Direct and Indirect Emissions Assessment of Food Cold Chain and Building Space Cooling Sector in Vietnam

Direct and Indirect Emissions Assessment of Food Cold Chain and Building Space Cooling Sector in Vietnam

Direct and Indirect Emissions Assessment of Food Cold Chain and Building Space Cooling Sector in Vietnam Location: Vietnam Client :  UNESCAP;    November 2021 to March 2022 Project Contributors: Data collection and analysis for policy recommendations on space cooling, cold chain, and refrigerant-based GHG emissions reduction. Our collaboration aimed to integrate these recommendations into Vietnam’s…

International Methodology for NCAP Development and Emission  Data Assessment for Cooling Sectors in Cambodia

International Methodology for NCAP Development and Emission Data Assessment for Cooling Sectors in Cambodia

International Methodology for NCAP Development and Emission Data Assessment for Cooling Sectors in Cambodia Location: Cambodia Client : UN ESCAP & UNEP;   June 2020 to February 2022 Project Contributors: Development of “International Methodology for Data Assessment Framework for Developing NCAP for ASEAN Countries. ” This aimed to provide a standardized approach for assessing data and…

Market Potential of the Indian Housing Market and Comparison of Most Common Green/EE Certificates in India

Market Potential of the Indian Housing Market and Comparison of Most Common Green/EE Certificates in India

MARKET POTENTIAL OF THE INDIAN HOUSING MARKET AND COMPARISON OF MOST COMMON GREEN/EE CERTIFICATES IN INDIA Location: India Client :  Adelphi;   2019  Project Contributors: Adelphi engaged IDS to assess the Indian housing market and compare EE housing standards like GRIHA, LEED, and IGBC with those in the Fraunhofer/TERI IT toolkit. IDS conducted an in-depth investigation…

Development of guidebook on “Energy and Resource Efficiency Measures and Regulations for Building Sector in Nigeria”

Development of guidebook on “Energy and Resource Efficiency Measures and Regulations for Building Sector in Nigeria”

DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDEBOOK ON “ENERGY AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCY MEASURES AND REGULATIONS FOR BUILDING SECTOR IN NIGERIA” Location: Nigeria Client : UN Habitat Nairobi;  March 2018 to February 2019 Project Contributors: The project aimed to create guidelines for energy-efficient buildings in Nigeria, covering design, construction, and operation. It involved research on building physics, climate in Nigerian…

Sustainability Assessment Of Technologies For Sustainable Rural Development In Gajapati, Odisha

Sustainability Assessment Of Technologies For Sustainable Rural Development In Gajapati, Odisha

SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN GAJAPATI, ODISHA Location: Odisha Client :  Rural Electrification Corporation Foundation; June 2018 to December 2018 Project Contributors: IDS conducted a SAT for Gajapati district in Odisha, under India’s Aspirational Districts programme. The project aimed to use CSR funds from Indian PSUs to implement sustainable solutions in…

Baseline Scenario for Energy Performance of Residential Buildings in the Cold Climatic Zone of India

Baseline Scenario for Energy Performance of Residential Buildings in the Cold Climatic Zone of India

BASELINE SCENARIO FOR ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN THE COLD CLIMATIC ZONE OF INDIA Location: India Client :  Greentech Knowledge Solutions Private Limited;  June 2016 to October 2016 Project Contributors: As part of the Indo-Swiss BEEP, an assignment was undertaken to establish a baseline scenario for the energy performance of residential buildings in the…