Integrative Design Solutions (IDSPL) Fri, 05 Jul 2024 09:45:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Integrative Design Solutions (IDSPL) 32 32 USING TECHNOLOGY TO INCREASE HEALTHCARE ACCESS Wed, 17 Apr 2024 17:08:36 +0000



April 15th, 2024

Providing prompt and reliable healthcare is a challenge of massive proportions for a multitude of reasons, especially in under-developed or rural areas. The problem is a complex one and cannot be easily solved. However, thanks to recent technological advancements and breakthroughs, healthcare can become much more accessible to a greater population.

Solar steam sterilization
In 2012, researchers at Rice University revealed a new way to convert solar energy directly into steam using light-absorbing nanoparticles. The technology has been operationalised in the form of a solar steam-powered autoclave for sterilizing medical and dental equipment. At the heart of the tech are nanoparticles. These nanoparticles heat up when submerged in water and exposed to sunlight. The heat generation is so rapid that the surrounding water instantly vaporizes to form steam. The system even works with icy-cold water and boasts an overall energy efficiency of 24% (as opposed to commercial photovoltaic solar panels that typically have an overall energy efficiency of around 15%! The heat and pressure generated by the steam have been found sufficient to kill not just heat-resistant living microbes, but also spores and viruses.<br

Motorcycle ambulances
Motorcycle ambulances are emergency vehicles that either carries a paramedic to a patient; or is used with a trailer or sidecar to transport patients. For obvious reasons, a motorcycle ambulance is able to respond to an emergency much faster than a four-wheeler in heavy traffic, which can drastically increase survival rates. The concept of motorcycle ambulances is not really a new one. They first came into use during the First World War, and were used by the British, French and Americans. However, with the advancement of technology, many countries across the world started creating fleets of motorcycle ambulances, that either operate as standalone units or complement regular ambulances. Bengaluru was the first Indian city to boast of a motorcycle ambulance in 2015. Delhi launched the project this year with 16 ambucycles, as they are often called.

Telemedicine is medical care provided at a distance. Medical data is sent from patients to doctors in real-time, eliminating the need for either party to travel in person to the other. The technology was first put into practice in the 1950s in the US. Medical staff at two different health centres in Pennsylvania about 24 miles apart transmitted radiologic images via telephone. Around the same time, a Canadian doctor built upon this technology into a Tele radiology system that was used in and around Montreal. In 1959, doctors at the University of Nebraska succeeded in transmitting neurological examinations to medical students across campus using a two-way interactive television. By 1964, the technology had become sufficiently advanced to enable them to provide health services 112 miles away. Originally, health professionals developed this technology to reach remote patients living in rural areas. However, in recent years, it has seen greater use in the urban context due to the convenience factor. Telemedicine makes up for healthcare shortages for urban populations, while also eliminating the need for a commute. The unavailability of sufficient numbers of medical professionals has led to the rise of telemedicine companies that offer patients 24/7 access to medical care with an on-call doctor. Others provide a telemedicine platform for physicians, allowing them virtual visits with their own patients. Still others offer hospitals and larger health centres access to extra clinical staff and specialists, enabling them to outsource special cases. With a wide variety of mobile health apps and new mobile medical devices that are consumer-friendly, patients are starting to use technology to monitor and track their health. Simple home-use medical devices that can take vitals and diagnose infections, monitor blood pressure and sugar levels are making it possible for patients to gather medical information needed for a diagnosis without going to a doctor’s office. 

Sensors and wearable technology
Wearable medical devices and sensors are another way of collecting crucial medical data. Devices like the Fitbit have now become commonplace. Along with the basic functions that they perform which can often alert users to crises much before they become unmanageable, it is possible to equip patients with more advanced sensors for the period of recuperation (perhaps after a surgery) that can send an alert to a care provider if the patient falls down or detect skin pH levels to tell if a cut is getting infected. Technology has brought the world into our homes and at our fingertips in more ways than one. While its most appreciated benefit has been greater convenience, it is undeniable that it can revolutionize lives in much more fundamental ways. In a 4G/5G world, it could be the difference between life and death. At any rate, with new advancements happening almost every other day, the potential uses in the domain of healthcare and healthcare access are far greater than we can imagine at this point.

CIRCULAR-ECONOMY Wed, 17 Apr 2024 17:06:37 +0000



April 15th, 2024

Towards a Circular Economy: Why should India follow the circle to sustainability

A lot has been said about consumerism and its aftermath in the last couple of decades. But despite the discourse, most developed societies have given in to the trap of the consumerist lifestyle. Whether it is for the allure of class, or the joy of possession, contemporary society is constantly fuelled by materialistic tendencies and thrives on it.

From the time-tested systems of reuse and recycle, we moved to the age of use and throw, and while the world was busy looking for the next cool product, we have generated an unprecedented amount of waste. The great Pacific garbage patch is getting bigger every day while nations make feeble attempts to ban single-use plastics.


In such a scenario, the concepts of circular economy can turn things around. Circular economy proposes a circular instead linear life cycle of products, where instead of disposing expired goods, their basic components are reused or repurposed. It also looks to minimise waste in production processes by finding utility in by-products and redesigning manufacturing processes to weed out waste. It is similar to the concepts of Biomimicry and Bio-convergence in essence. The core idea is to function like natural processes, where every part has a specific function and every effort leads to a logical outcome. In other words, nothing goes to waste in Nature and it is high time that we started thinking on the same lines. Historically, the reuse of objects and resources was very common, especially in Indian households. Repairing broken devices, repurposing objects and handing down clothes were common across generations. This has changed in the last decade. With globalisation and the influx of foreign brands, the Indian market is now one of the biggest consumer markets in the world. Moving to a circular economy model would take recycling and reuse beyond the average household, to the industrial sector.

The NITI Aayog very recently collaborated with Tomasz Kozlowski, Ambassador, European Union Delegation to India, for a study on the scope of circular economy (CE) and resource efficiency (RE). According to the study, India being a resource-rich country, has great potential to become a circular economy. It spells out 30 recommendations for an easy transformation, including the following:

1. Formulation of a National Policy on RE/CE,
2. Establishment of a Bureau of Resource Efficiency (BRE),
3. R&D for scalable technologies for RE & CE.

Four papers on resource efficiency in the following sectors have also been released.

1• Steel
2• Aluminium
3• Construction and demolition waste
4• Secondary Materials Management in electrical and electronics

Kozlowski confirmed that the EU is committed to adopt a more sustainable approach to the economy and assured India of support through the transition towards RE and CE. Kozlowski further noted that the RE and CE policies, if implemented efficiently, would also help with climate change and enable India to meet its commitments to the Paris Agreement. Ratan P. Watal, Principal adviser of the NITI Aayog, also confirmed India’s intentions to move towards a more sustainable approach to counter climate change.

Climate change is closely related to overuse of resources. The more we use up natural resources to manufacture goods, the more we emit greenhouse gases. When these goods are disposed of, and end up in landfills, they become toxic for other living creatures, and degrade the environment. “A circular economy is a regenerative system in which resource input and waste, emissions, and energy leakage are minimized by slowing, closing, and narrowing energy and material loops. This can be achieved through long-lasting design, maintenance, repair, reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishing and recycling.” It is thus, a long-term, holistic solution to climate change. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s 2016 report, three key focus areas for the transition to circular models in India are–

1. cities and construction
2. food and agriculture
3. mobility and vehicle manufacturing

A successful move to circular economy in these areas alone can potentially bring in annual benefits of $624 billion by 2050.

So what does India need to make the leap? The biggest challenge on the path to circular economy is forging an industry-wide collaboration. A circular economy needs a system approach, where any changes made to any part or component of the system must consider its consequence on the bigger picture. This can only be achieved through a large-scale collaboration, similar to the CE100 network. There are a lot of innovative start-ups across the world discovering ways of assimilating CE and RE principles. These can be scaled and integrated into the mainstream industry. The industry must make a concerted effort to encourage and nurture such small-scale innovations. But as a first step, we need a deeper understanding of the concepts of CE and a macro-level plan for optimal implementation, and the sooner we start, the better. To put it in the words of Circle Economy’s CEO, Harald Friedl, “A 15 degree world can only be a circular world.”




April 15th, 2024

The Paris Accord is an agreement aimed at combating climate change and accelerating and intensifying the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future. The goal of the Accord is to limit the global temperature increase to below 2oC (3.6 F) above pre-industrial levels by the year 2100. The best-case scenario hoped for is that the Accord will keep the increase to below 1.5oC (2.7 F). The agreement is also known as the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The UNFCCC is an international environmental treaty with the objective of “stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”. The framework was designed to be non-binding in terms of limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms. It outlines “protocols” or “agreements” that are negotiated to specify further action towards the objective of the UNFCCC. The Paris Accord, held in December 2015, is its latest iteration. Countries that sign the Accord are encouraged to develop renewable energy sources and build infrastructure to mitigate the effects of global warming. The countries are also expected to report on their progress toward and plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions every five years. It also requires developed countries to send $100 billion a year to developing countries starting in 2020.

195 UNFCCC members have signed the agreement, and 174 have become party to it. The Paris Agreement is a replacement for the 2005 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol was not successful as it set internationally binding emission reduction targets, placing the onus on the developed countries under the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, stating that the current high levels of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere are the result of more than 150 years of industrial activity by the developed nations.

The key difference between the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Accord is the willingness of the countries to participate in the Paris accord — which is a wholly voluntary agreement. In another first, both China and the US signed the accord. China is responsible for 30% of global emissions, and the US for 14%. On June 1, 2017, however, United States President Donald Trump announced that the US would withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement, stating that it would permanently undermine US domestic economy. The decision was met with widespread criticism, internally and externally, leading several state governors to form the United States Climate Alliance which pledged to continue to adhere to and advance the Paris Agreement.

India’s commitments at the Paris Accord

The Paris Agreement was ratified by India on 2 October 2016. The main elements of India’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) includes:

• To reduce the emissions intensity of GDP by 33%–35% by 2030 below 2005 levels;
• To increase the share of non-fossil-based energy resources to 40% of installed electric power capacity by 2030, with help of transfer of technology and low-cost international finance including from Green Climate Fund (GCF);
• To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5–3 GtCO2e through additional forest and tree cover by 2030.

National Action Plan on Climate Change

In order to formulate a plan of action to address climate change, the Government of India created the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2008. The action plan identified eight national missions running through 2017 to 2022 highlighting India’s most pressing climate concerns and outlines independent targets for emission mitigation within the different sectors.

Eight National Missions form the core of the NAPCC:

• National Solar Mission
• National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
• National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
• National Water Mission
• National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
• National Mission for a Green India
• National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
• National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

A range of policy instruments were identified to create an impetus for mitigation in all target economic sectors. Some of the policy instruments identified to address climate change mitigation are price instruments (such as coal cess and feed-in-tariff), regulatory instruments (legislations), voluntary instruments (awareness-building programmes and labelling of appliances), and targeted research and development (R&D) instruments to support the different sectors.

Mitigation policies

In 2010, the Government of India created the National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) to finance and promote clean energy initiatives and funding research in the area of clean energy in the country. The fund is built by levying a cess of INR 50 (subsequently increased to INR 100 in 2014 and INR 200 in 2015) per tonne of coal produced domestically or imported.

The NCEF is financing innovative schemes like the installation of solar photovoltaic (SPV) lights and small capacity lights, installation of SPV water pumping as well as other mission projects under the NAPCC and projects relating to R&D to replace existing technologies with more environment-friendly ones under National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC).

In November 2010, the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism was developed to help initiate a move towards renewable power sources in electricity generation. Under the Mechanism, RECs will be issued to the RE generators for 1 MWh of electricity injected into the grid from renewable energy sources. Grid-connected RE Technologies with a minimum capacity of 250 KW would be eligible under this scheme. India aims to increase its total installed renewable energy capacity to 175,000 MW by 2022. 100,000 MW of this would come from solar power, 60,000 MW from wind energy, 10,000 MW from small hydropower, and 5,000 MW from biomass-based power projects.

In December 2012, the Government of India constituted an Expert Committee for drafting the Auto Fuel Vision and Policy-2025 for the country (MoPNG 2014). By the end of XII FYP, the Expert Committee has recommended a roadmap for rolling out Bharat Stage-IV (BS-IV), the equivalent of Euro-IV, by 2017 and BS-V (Euro-V) auto fuels by 2020 in the entire country.

During 2013-14, the Climate Change Action Programme (CCAP) was launched to support actions by the central and state governments and other key stakeholders in areas of climate change. CCAP is envisioned to launch studies and projects to address the challenge of climate change in all dimensions and would also augment activities including Coordination of National and State Action Plans on Climate Change and setting up of an autonomous body to conduct analytical studies on scientific, environmental, economic development and technological issues related to climate change.

In 2013, the government launched the National Electric Mobility Mission for 2020 to promote the growth of domestic manufacturing capabilities in electric mobility in the country. As per the government projections, 6–7 million units of new vehicle sales of the full range of electric vehicles, leading to resultant liquid fuel savings of 2.2–2.5 million tonnes and substantial lowering of vehicular emissions by 1.3% to 1.5% can be achieved as compared to a baseline scenario in 2020.

Success so far

In its report to the UNFCCC in 2019, India stated that emission intensity had come down by 21 per cent. India is poised to meet the 2030 emission intensity commitment with ease. An analysis by US-based Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis has stated that the figure indicates that India could meet its target a decade early.

India also committed to ensuring that 40 percent of its installed power capacity is from non-fossil sources by 2030. As non-fossil sources account for about 37 per cent of India’s power capacity, according to the Central Electricity Authority, this target is easily achievable.

India’s final key pledge at Paris was the creation of an additional carbon sink equivalent to 2.5–3 billion tonnes CO2 by 2030 through additional forest and tree cover. Progress on this front has been far from expected. The Green India Mission is severely underfunded and has been regularly missing its annual targets.

Overall, India seems to have fared much better than most other developing countries and is well on its way to meeting two of the three commitments made at the Paris Accord. However, some more initiatives on increasing the green cover would go a long way. es us with a simple and affordable way of doing our bit for the environment.




April 15th, 2024

The Indian demographic can be broadly divided into two categories, Rural and Urban. This divide is not on the basis of caste, religion or creed but the living standards of the community. Rural India is mostly dependent on agriculture while the urban population relies on technology and commerce for their livelihood. The disparity in the conditions of rural and urban India is a sore thumb in the otherwise fast-developing nation. What makes it worse is that the majority of the country’s population lives in the villages. And yet, the majority of India’s villages lack even the basic amenities. The biggest difference is in the field of education. According to the National Survey Scheme (NSS), 71st Round, 2014, the urban literacy rate is 79.5% while the rural is 69.1%. However, this is only a partial picture. The dropout rate of rural schools have been at a staggering high in higher education. The government has built a lot of Primary schools but when it comes to High schools, there is just not enough infrastructure or incentive for the students to carry on. Most students, especially girls, drop out of school at a very early age. The ones who continue often have to move to the cities for higher education. The kids of rural India might be literate, but very few actually continue their education long enough to make a difference.  There are many factors causing the drop outs. The first and the most pertinent is poverty. In most households, the children are expected to support their family from a very early age. Boys are sent out to earn while girls help in household chores. The time that they are supposed to dedicate to studies, is put into helping the family. The picture has changed a lot for boys but for girls, it is still the same. While the male literacy rate in rural areas is 72.3%, the female literacy rate is 56.8%. This leads us to another overarching reason: the lack of awareness among the rural population. Though most of them understand the importance of getting their children educated, formal schooling is too expensive an investment for them in terms of time and money. They don’t realise the long-term advantages would outweigh the short-term gains. The lack of job opportunities in the rural areas also add to the apathy. They would rather teach their children agriculture which ensures meagre but definite income.  There have been many government initiatives to improve the quality of education in the backward areas. From building of new schools to improving the teacher-student ratio, the government is trying to fill the gaps. One of the notable programs was the Non-formal education scheme. The NFE was an attempt to decentralise education and make it more accessible. The idea was to set up NFE centres at places where formal schooling was not successful. These centres were meant for school drop-outs and others who could not access formal schooling. The NFE centres would be run by authorised volunteer organisations and the curriculum and mode of teaching would be informal and learner-centred. Another initiative was the mid-day meal scheme. It provided a major incentive for kids to attend school. It not only helped in retaining students but also promoted nutrition and health in children. Then there are Operation Blackboard and Schemes for Infrastructure Development of Private Aided/Unaided Minority Institutes (IDMI) which encourage school staff to make better use of the amenities provided to them and also maintain a basic level of infrastructure like separate toilets for boys and girls, sanitary dispensers for girls, one classroom per class and a minimum of three teachers in primary schools.

However, there are some factors that lie beyond the control of the government. A lot of our villages are in remote areas. The schools are situated in central locations to attract a bigger strength. In such cases, safe transport becomes a major hurdle. Students often have to travel long distances on their own to reach school. This becomes even more difficult in the scorching summers or monsoons when roads are often flooded. Secondly, though the government has done its best to allocate teachers, these teachers are not always well-trained. Lack of proper guidance and fruitful teaching is often a discouraging factor. There have been numerous reports of teachers being away on long leaves and otherwise, neglecting their duty. Added to this is the case of discrimination based on caste, ability and gender- a major deterrant for children from backward communities. Then there is the issue of language. Most maths and science text books are in English and students have a hard time understanding them.

A panacea to all these problems could be the introduction of technology into rural classrooms. It can make learning fun and interactive and most importantly, more comprehensible. It can break down the language barrier with the use of videos to explain concepts. It can make learning a whole new experience, such that, students look forward to attending schools. However, this remains a distant dream with only 9% of villages in India having internet access. In fact, a lot of villages do not even have a stable supply of electricity. Thus, even offline LMS modules cannot be run on a regular basis. Another problem in deploying technology is teacher-readiness. Most teachers in rural areas come from similar backgrounds and lack the training to handle computers efficiently. As such, they are often not interested in using technology in classrooms.

The silver lining however, has come in the form of private NGOs and CSR initiatives, which, in association with government bodies are investing in bringing technology into the rural classrooms. From training the teachers to allocating trained resource persons, the intervention from the private sector has been a boon to rural India. These initiatives would gain strength if the government could collaborate with more corporates to direct their CSR and their expertise in technology towards education in the rural areas. This would also lend more legitimacy to these initiatives and attract the educated youth from urban spaces. If more and more of our youth get sensitized and devote even a part of their time and efforts towards the cause of education, the schools in Indian villages will soon be at par with their urban counterparts.




April 15th, 2024

On the morning of 29th April this year, residents of Saharanpur, a quiet town in the plains of Western Uttar Pradesh, were in for a surprise. The residents of this little-known town could get a clear view of the peaks of Gangotri, situated at an aerial distance of at least 200 km, from their rooftops. Old timers believed that this is a first in almost 3 decades. Similar reports came in from the plains of Punjab and Bihar.

In fact, residents in a Bihar village in the Sitamarhi district were able to get a clear view of the Mount Everest. These reports came in during the period when the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic was in place. It is believed that the minimal commercial activity due to the lockdown and an upsurge in the rainfall during the period meant that the air got considerably cleaner in the northern plains and hence, the rare Himalayan sightings.

Such reports give a sense of hope that the nature is healing itself. However, such phenomenon is temporary and short-lived. The reality is that the natural resources have already been exploited by the humans beyond a repair. The widespread catastrophe of climate change will lead to unimaginable losses, both in terms of direct loss of lives attributed to climate change and indirect impacts of the same.

The most obvious and visible effect of the climate change is the rise in erratic weather patterns. One of the most recent phenomena has been the increasing frequency in the number of cyclones in the Arabian Sea. The year 2019 saw a record 5 cyclones in the region. This has been attributed to the unusual warming of the Indian Ocean waters. To put things into perspective, the last time this region saw these many cyclones was way back in the year 1902. The monsoon season in the year 2019 too, can be attributed to the climate change and its impacts. The official date for the end of the season in India is 30th September. However, in 2019, the monsoon started to recede in second week of October. Over 1600 people were documented as killed in what was termed as the heaviest monsoon in last 25 years. These numbers are expected to rise in the seasons to come as the unprecedented nature of the monsoon is going to increase.

Climate change has a serious implication on the food security as well. Locusts are an annual phenomenon in parts of Rajasthan but this year the swarms came into the country as far as districts in Bihar and Maharashtra. This has been, in part, attributed to the unusual weather patterns in the months of March and April which saw high rainfall. The locusts came soon after. These insects can cause serious implications as far as food security is concerned. Apart from the locusts, the weather patterns in general have been changing, much of which can be attributed to the climate change, making drought and flood a regular thing in the areas which never experienced them . Some of the most recent extreme flooding events have been in the states of Assam, Bihar, West Bengal, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The floods in Assam, Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh have been especially devastating. These have led to a massive surge in the food losses. Further, the projected increases in temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, changes in extreme weather events, and reductions in water availability may all result in reduced agricultural productivity.

As per a WHO, between the years 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea , and heat stress. The direct damage costs to health (i.e. excluding costs in health-determining sectors such as agriculture and water and sanitation), is estimated to be between USD 2-4 billion/year by 2030.

The rise in sea levels is something that everyone has heard of before. The effects of this rise are not experienced by many though, for now. The situation is grim for many countries around the world. Closer to home, Bangladesh is under serious threat due to this rise with two-thirds of the country being less than 5 metres above the sea level. By 2050, Bangladesh may lose approximately 11% of its land to the Bay of Bengal. The problem is compounded by the fact that the country is one of the most densely populated ones in the world. Other coastal cities including Mumbai, Chennai, Bangkok, and Shanghai will have parts of them submerged under water too by 2050. One of the villages, Bedono, on the Northern Coast of the Java Island of Indonesia has seen the coastline shift 5 Km inland, completely submerging 2000 hectares of the land. More than 500 families have been forced to evacuate the place since the early 1990s and the problem continues to aggravate to this day.

In fact, an entire country, Kiribati, might be wiped off from the world map in next 30 years. The primary reason for this has been the GHG emissions to the atmosphere resulting in rising temperatures subsequently melting the polar ice caps and the glaciers.

All these factors contribute to the already looming crisis of poverty, especially in the developing nations. Climate induced migration is another aspect that is often ignored in the discussions surrounding the topic. The poor have been migrating due to the weather patterns and the related droughts, floods, and famine like situations that it brings. In a world where we talk about ending migration crisis through various interventions, this migration has brought its own challenges. Estimates put the number of people who will have to flee their home due to climate induced challenges to around 500 million.

The situation is very bleak, as is evident from the discussion here. However, all is not lost. The climate change cannot be reversed but the changes can be slowed down. Mitigation and adaptation strategies can help prolong the damage and minimize it. Some of the ways which can considerably bring down the emissions include – promotion of sustainable agroforestry system, decentralizing the energy distribution, energy efficiency and green building solutions, protecting the coastal wetlands and mangroves, improving the mass transit systems in the metro cities, and promoting local agricultural produce and practices.
<> The current situation with regards to the pandemic and the post-pandemic recovery is bound to put greater pressure on the environment and thus increase the emissions. The emphasis on the economic recovery after the pandemic is expected to put the sustainability issues at the back burner. It is the responsibility of the concerned authorities to ensure that it does not happen. The road to recovery should not be one which becomes an expressway to a bigger crisis of climate change. The solutions should come out through a framework that cares about the climate as a part of the economy.
It is important to remember that the climate change is real and will come for everyone. And there is no vaccine to it, too. References Jain, S. (2020, May 11). Snow-Capped Himalayan Peaks Seen From Saharanpur. Pics Are Viral. Retrieved from NDTV: Jaiswal, R. (2020, May 4). @activistritu. Retrieved from Twitter: Rahman, S. (2019, Feb 2). Kiribati: SLOWLY DROWNING. Retrieved from Medium: Rohmah, A. (2019, August 19). Climate change tourism: Indonesian village that sank offers grim lesson in the dangers of coastal erosion. Retrieved from South China Morning Post:




April 15th, 2024

The recent Chennai water crisis is a wake-up call for India. The irony of a city by the sea facing acute water shortage was not lost on any of the key stakeholders. The NITI Aayog has since announced plans of setting up desalination projects along India’s coastline. Desalination, or the process of turning seawater into drinking water, is being considered as a long-term solution to the drought-like situation across the country, especially during the summers. The process of desalination entails removal of salts and minerals from seawater, making it usable for domestic purposes. India already has around 1000 desalination plants, but none of these are large-scale. The Minjur desalination plant is the largest in the country and has a capacity of 100,000m³/day (100mld). It uses reverse osmosis technology to produce potable water for an estimated population of 500,000 in Chennai. It has been functional since 2010. The government plans to open more desalination plants of varying capacities all across the country. The Jal Shakti Ministry, under the guidance of the NITI Aayog, is in charge of the implementation of these plants. With the new and improved plants, a constant supply of high-quality drinking water will be guaranteed. Incidentally, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gifted a mobile independent desalination van, ‘Gal-mobile’ to India. The government plans to use it to provide water to the BSF jawans in remote areas. It can purify up to 20,000 litres of water a day. However, if the water is particularly muddy, then only 4,000 litres of water can be purified every day.

Desalination has already been implemented successfully in countries like Israel, the UAE, the US and Singapore. There are around 18000 desalination plants across the world and they are emerging as a foolproof solution to the world’s water crisis. Some of these countries, however, are gradually waking up to the negative aspects of desalination. For instance, It was recently discovered that Israelis consuming desalinated water might be suffering from considerable magnesium deficiency. The Israeli government aims to solve this issue by adding magnesium to the water, after it has been processed. In the long term, more such issues are bound to crop up but they will have to be solved individually instead of envisioning an alternate solution. These countries are not blessed with abundant water resources and desalination is their most lucrative solution in their scenario. India, on the other hand, is fortunate to have one of the largest number of rivers in Asia. These rivers, however have been rendered unfit for domestic use due to a faulty waste disposal system. A resolution to divert waste from the rivers could generate more potable water than any desalination plant. Another drawback of desalination plants is that they have a very high energy consumption, which in turn, contributes to green-house emissions. These projects could also wreak havoc on marine life along India’s coasts. Desalination results in residual brine. Brine is concentrated salt water which has a very low oxygen content and can destroy marine life. To avoid this, the proposed desalination plants will be built deep into the ocean as floating installations. The NITI Aayog has further clarified that the proposed desalination plants will use recyclable energy, making them ecologically sustainable. The most crucial criticism however, is that these plants are not only expensive, they could be used by private entities as profit-making ventures, hence undoing the entire purpose of such undertakings. The NITI Aayog proposal for setting up desalination plants does not cap the cost of these projects and this loophole could easily be exploited. The maintenance of these plants in the face of frequent cyclones could also add to the cost.

Whether desalination is really the answer to India’s problem is still debatable. It remains to be seen how the NITI Aayog implements its desalination plans. However, going by the success rate of these plants in countries where it has been implemented, it is definitely a solution worth exploring. While long-term desalination projects might not be the best way forward, it can definitely be an effective interim solution while we lay the groundwork for more sustainable solutions like groundwater recharge and river clean-ups.




April 15th, 2024

IoT marks a paradigm shift in the world of technology. In fact, one might say that the incorporation of technology into life that began with the Industrial revolution comes to an end as we move into the next stage: integration. It would be no exaggeration to say that the level of technological immersion that we do not give a second thought to today would have been unthinkable as recently as twenty years ago. The world at large has been in a constant state of flux, with updates coming in almost as soon as a piece of tech hits the market. Almost every chore in our personal lives that needed physical capital has been automated to some extent, if not entirely.

IoT is all about integration. It integrates all kinds of tech into a network in order to facilitate holistic management. In fact, the Internet of Things is not just about computing devices and digital machines, it also incorporates mechanical devices, objects, and even animals and people! IoT helps streamline complex systems with minimal human intervention and optimise usage. We have already discussed IoT in a previous article. In this article, we look at ways in which IoT can be used to automate and optimise existing building systems.

Water Management

A third of the global population is currently suffering from some form of water scarcity. By 2030, it is expected to affect half the world. This makes it mandatory that we start checking our water usage, and eliminate waste as much as possible. IoT holds immense promise in this domain.

IoT can be used to sense, regulate and collect usage data on water levels in reservoirs and water tanks. It will then be possible to calculate water usage levels throughout the year to optimise usage. If weather sensors are incorporated, it will also make it possible to prepare for spikes in usage.

Water management involves monitoring water levels, leakages and water quality. With the help of pressure sensors, leakage of any kind can be immediately detected. In fact, it will be possible to set up the system in such a way that the moment a leak is detected, water supply to that section can be shut off till it is repaired. When employed for wastewater management, IoT can minimize human intervention, and check seepages and leaks that can cause pollution.

Quality Testing and Analysis
IoT can be used to measure and monitor water quality. Sensors can be used to detect levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), bacteria, chlorine, etc. This will ensure that the water is fit for consumption and use, and significantly reduce chances of disease outbreaks.

Workspace Management
More than half the world’s companies are expected to start using IoT by next year. IoT can significantly boost performance by increasing efficiency and reducing costs. By collecting data on office space usage, for instance, IoT can predict when a company will need larger premises. It can help decide if a new company can adopt a work from home ethic to prevent additional costs without compromising on productivity. By monitoring usage, the company can schedule maintenance on devices or machines in such a way as to minimize interruptions to workflow and also prevent breakdowns.

This means printers will no longer run out of ink at a critical juncture, the temperature in the office will no longer alternate between freezing and sweltering, and smart fridges – if a company employs them – will always be restocked!

Cleaning and maintenance
A necessary part of Facility Management is scheduling cleaning and maintenance at specific times. Obviously, this does not reflect real-time needs: cleaning and maintenance are done irrespective of whether there is any need. IoT can help us develop a dynamic schedule based on use that can bring down costs drastically.

IoT can be employed to collect data on a range of environmental components including light, temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels. Using the data, relevant systems can be turned on or off to maintain optimal levels. Using data collected over time, trends can be identified, which can then inform building design.

Power management
Through the use of sensors, the process of switching on the lights, ACs, projectors, etc. can also be automated which can save massive amounts of power, and reduce the company’s carbon footprint. Smart meters can be used to detect loss of electricity and monitor levels. Motion detectors can also be used with smart cameras to start recording only when there is movement.

Stocks and supplies
Usage of restrooms and supplies can be monitored, making supplies management more efficient by automated scheduling requisition of supplies. Sensors in restrooms can also help in water management and prompt maintenance of devices.

Safety and Security Systems
IoT in facilities management can be used for the remote monitoring of smoke detectors, fire alarms and other safety systems. It can provide real-time information about a crisis by collecting data from heat detectors and other safety devices, and even prevent it by alerting management to potential overloads. Most significantly, in the event of an emergency, real-life tracking of employees can be initiated to ensure the evacuation of every individual.

Every single smart controller that is installed, automates a large number of processes, and the benefits expand exponentially as these controllers are used in tandem to create smart grids. The ability of smart systems to integrate and streamline complex chains is bound only by the imagination of the users, and as such, the potential of IoT is virtually limitless.




April 15th, 2024

We live in a world where technology is more deeply entrenched in our daily lives than ever before. The technological advancements have been so rapid and their effects so profound, that they have changed the very nature of our existence. The immense effect of technology on the environment is undeniable. In fact, we have moved past the adverse effects of technology and are now in an age where it is evolving to imitate nature and advance our environmental goals. However, in most such discussions, technology is seen as a distant, industrial phenomenon, irrelevant to our daily lives. We forget the trivial ways we can use technology to contribute to ecological stability. This is where Internet of Things comes in. .

Internet of things (IoT), as the name suggests, are things connected by the Internet that collect data and use it to optimise usage. It is innovation in devices or systems that surround us and are rooted in our every day.

When we talk of utilities related to our daily lives, electricity is probably the first one that comes to mind. It is the one thing that can often make or break our day. IoT can be put to use in various ways to streamline electricity as a resource. The basic use of IoT in this field is to collect data related to demand and supply of electricity and then use this data to optimise supply. This ensures that wastage is minimised, cost reduced, and resources more equitably distributed. For instance, we already know that LEDs are much more cost-effective and have a longer life than other lighting. Add IoT to it and we have smart LEDs, which monitor usage and sense other light sources. By using this data, smart LEDs can mimic natural light cycles and moderate their brightness based on the availability of natural light. They can further sense when a room is empty and switch off lighting as required. For housing that makes use of solar energy, connecting the solar panels to an IoT systems makes the system more effective. An IoT sensor can make use of weather updates to maximise production. It can also provide maintenance-related notifications to users in real time and facilitate repair.

The most popular use of IoT is the smart meter. Unlike regular meters, smart meters not only record the consumption of electricity, but also send this information back to the supplier using IoT technology. This technology should be ideally used in conjunction with the implementation of the demand-response program. This program collects data on the usage of electricity and identifies the peak hours of usage. By using this information, consumers are incentivised to change their hours of usage. This not only reduces the load off the grid but also reduces cost. Electricity suppliers often offer lower rates off-peak hours. More importantly, as the load is reduced during the peak hours, suppliers don’t need to use expensive generators to keep up the supply. Thus, the overall cost of electricity supply reduces.

Another effective use of IoT would be in microgrids. A microgrid is a localized group of electricity sources and sinks (loads) that typically operates connected to and synchronous with the centralized grid (macrogrid), but can also disconnect and maintain operation autonomously. Microgrids produce electricity from a combination of sources along with electricity from the main grid. They usually supply electricity locally but can also recharge electricity back to the main grid. With the use of IoT technology, the utility of microgrids increase manifold. IoT enables them to collect data on:

1• Electricity produced from various sources
2• Demand of electricity
3• Peak Usage hours

With this data, IoT-driven grid management systems can help operations perform critical functions, including:

1. optimizing line voltage to minimize energy losses and line damage;
2. locating the source of sags, surges and outages;
3. improving load balancing, restoring services faster and making safer override decisions;
4. identifying the source of technical and non-technical losses in the system, reducing the costs of service; and
5. lowering outage investigation times by isolating fault locations

These are just some of the ways IoT can be incorporated into existing innovations. Technology is advancing everyday and delivering new innovations to our doorstep. IoT is one such leap that enables us to smartify every aspect of our life. It lets us make informed choices and utilise resources optimally. With knowledge comes power, and the data-driven approach that IoT espouses proves that beyond doubt.




April 15th, 2024

The Prime Minister launched the ‘Transformation of Aspirational Districts’ programme for transforming 115 backward or aspirational district in the vision of ‘Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas’, to raise the living standards of its citizens and to ensure inclusive growth for all. The districts were selected from all 28 states in a transparent manner. There are three core aspects that frame the structure of the programme – Convergence, Collaboration and Competition.

The baseline ranking for the 115 Aspirational Districts is based on 49 indicators across five sectors that include health & nutrition, education, agriculture & water resources, financial inclusion & skill development, and basic infrastructure. There is an annual ranking of the performance of districts that are to be benchmarked as the best-performing districts in India.

Integrative Design Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (IDSPL) always aspires to work for rural development, and this program provided a vital opportunity to work in rural areas. After many rounds of discussions with various stakeholders, we decided to work in the Gajapati district of Odisha State. This district was ranked 113 (Jan-2019) out of 115 districts.

After acquiring permission from Additional District Magistrate (ADM), IDSPL did a ground survey to find about the current situation and the findings were concerning. The district was affected by tropic cyclones every year, whereas recent cyclone caused immense damage to the infrastructure of the district. In the survey, major issues that were overlooked were electricity, drinking water, proper sanitation in health and educational institutions. The schools as well as, health institutions lacked basic amenities such as desk, benches, science & computer lab equipment and medical equipment. The number of health institutions was also less; therefore, people have to travel a large distance to get proper access to medication. For instance, people from a certain village of Rayagada block had to travel around 65 km to go to a Community health centre, that resulted in difficulty, especially for pregnant women and small children. Following the survey, a meeting was held with the ADM and IDSPL decided to work in two plain blocks and one tribal block of the district. The company decided to work on two areas; Health and Education based on the resources available. IDSPL is working on various strategies that will provide solutions against the alarming indicators present in the district; thereby trying to improve its present ranking.


Contributed By: Ankit Anand

Aquifer mapping and its effects on groundwater recharge Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:43:19 +0000

Aquifer mapping and its effects on groundwater recharge


April 15th, 2024

Aquifer Mapping and Management and Groundwater Recharge:

For a hot tropical country like India, monsoons have always been a season of rejoicing and rejuvenation. The beauty of monsoons quenching the scorched lands have been a subject of poetry and romance in Indian literature since time immemorial. So, it is quite surprising, the turn monsoons have taken in recent years. In 2019 alone, as many as thirteen Indian states suffered severe floods resulting in huge loss of lives and property. It is ironic that just earlier this year, many parts of the country also faced drought-like situations during the summer. Acute water crisis has had a grave effect on our farmers for decades, so much so that reports of farmer suicide have ceased to have any effect on lawmakers or the public. In 2019, the city of Chennai had a water crisis so severe, that it was helmed as the beginning of the countdown to “Day Zero”. A train containing water was sent from Vellore to save the day. The severity of the situation made the government announce plans of setting up desalination plants along India’s coastline. The question is, if the country did receive a massive amount of rain this year, why has nothing been done to conserve rain water? Why are we resorting to extreme solutions like desalination while half the country is flooded? In the words of Dr S. Janakarajan, former Professor of the Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), Chennai, “The current drought situation in Tamil Nadu has risen because of a lack of preparedness… We have no control over the monsoons and weather conditions. But we should be prepared to face both these situations. One needs to have an integrated view of droughts and floods. Saving water during floods will save us from droughts.” .

We already are aware of the various techniques of rainwater harvesting. The more enduring solution however, is to channel rainwater to recharge groundwater. This can be done through a precise mapping of aquifers and a concerted effort to direct rainwater into these aquifers, instead of letting it drain into the sea. Before delving deeper into this, let us briefly understand what an aquifer is. The rocks beneath our top soil often have void spaces that store water. These rocks are of various porosity and permeability, meaning they do not hold or discharge water in the same way. When a water-bearing rock readily transmits water to wells and springs, it is called an aquifer. Thus, wells are usually drilled into aquifers to ensure regular supply of water. In other words, a geological observation of the wells of an area: their water level, quality of water, exposed rocks and other such characteristics, can be a head start to mapping our aquifers. And by knowing the aquifers, one can gauge the quality and quantity of groundwater available in an area. It also helps us in understanding what kind of uses the water can be put to. Moreover, by locating the aquifers, one can also understand their natural recharge and discharge patterns, thereby letting us maintain them better. 

Heretofore, the Indian government had a lackadaisical approach towards groundwater recharge, despite the fact that India is the largest consumer of groundwater. As groundwater was readily available, it was never considered a priority. Groundwater-related projects were part of programs like Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), River basin management and such. However, with the drying out of available aquifers, the drawbacks of this casual approach came to the fore. According to Dipankar Saha, Secretary, International Association of Hydrogeologists, India Chapter, and Former Member, CGWB, “The economic and social consequences of groundwater overexploitation has led to mounting economic burden on farmers owing to relentless construction of deeper new wells, increased energy cost to lift water, enhanced water salinity and spread of geogenic contaminants — arsenic, fluoride, salinity — and ingress of seawater in freshwater aquifers in coastal areas. Further, we are yet to fully comprehend its impact on environment and ecology. The likely effects are diminishing flow of non-glacier fed rivers, drying up of wetlands, changes in hydraulic behaviour of aquifers—particularly in the multi-aquifer setup in the Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plains.” The National Aquifer Mapping and Management Programme (NAQUIM) was planned to mitigate these issues. It was the first program that concentrated solely on Aquifer mapping and groundwater recharge. The main objectives of the program were as follows:

1. Mapping of aquifers, resource, quality, recharge potential
2. Groundwater Modeling and Management Plan
3. Dissemination of Data/information/plan
4. Participatory management of the resource

The program, started in 2012, aimed to map the aquifers of approximately 25 lakh km2 of mappable area in a systematic manner. It involved the use of advanced technology like heli-borne geophysical surveys and softwares like Sophisticated softwares like RockWorks, ARCGIS, Modflow, MapInfo. According to a 2019 press release from Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), the aquifer map has been created and management plans developed for an area of 890651 km2. The program is now in its second phase, and plans to conclude its objective by 2022. More information about the NAQUIM programme can be found here. Though the NAQUIM program is a big step forward, it is hardly adequate, considering the severity of the problem. We need to do better. One of the ways would be to adopt the Sponge City concept of architecture that seems to have worked wonders for Berlin and many other cities. We have already witnessed the gravity of the water crisis, and unless we take adequate steps to safeguard our natural groundwater, we might be looking at a world where clean water will be a luxury, and wars will be fought over it.
